Town centre events and busking

Now that the regeneration works are complete, we are pleased to be able to resume our programme of events run by community groups, Ilford BID and Vision.


Ilford High Road events

We are taking short term bookings to use the High Road for community and promotional events, subject to availability. Email for more information and return the booking form by post or email with a copy of your Public Liability Insurance.

All bookings should be made no less than six weeks before the proposed date and a separate application will be needed for a Temporary Event Notice if live entertainment, alcohol or amplification is involved.  

Larger bookings should be accompanied by an event plan and site plan and may need to be referred to the Safety Advisory Group. 

If electricity is required this is organised through a third party and is chargeable separately.

Promotional event fees (from April 2024)



Community use pitch 24A (for council events, charitable organisation events) located opposite Waterstones


As let town centre market events (use of community pitch)

£33.25 per stall per day

As requested town centre commercial events

£108 per day

£364 per week

(Mon to Sun)


Ilford Market

We are currently trialing a market on the High Road with the assistance of the Ilford BID TeamTo apply, get in touch with our friendly market coordinator on 07498316461 or email     We also have some short term events booked that include additional craft and food stalls and these are also managed by Ilford BID.


Mercato Metropolitano Ilford

This lively new covered street food and event space behind the Town Hall is now open and information can be found on their website.


Ilford Exchange and Cranbrook Walk

All enquiries for stalls at this location should be directed to the Ilford Exchange Leasing Team.


Charity collections and fundraising

Licences for street collections are issued and enforced by the Metropolitan Police.

Fundraising companies and charities wishing to operate on the High Road pedestrian area should book in with us as the Town Centre PSPO includes a limit on the number of collectors that can be in position at any time.  To book a slot, please email

Fundraising companies will be charged as per promotional events.



The distribution of commercial leaflets or other advertising materials on Ilford High Road pedestrian area is banned under the PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) for this location. 

In other locations,  we ask that distributors do not cause an obstruction or nuisance and that you check for discarded leaflets and dispose of them correctly. 


Busking in Ilford Town Centre

While no licence is required, we ask that buskers follow the Busker's Code and there is a PSPO (Public Space Protection Order)in place that limits this activity within the Town Centre. 

The designated busking points are outside Primark, outside Ilford Station and on Chapel Road.  Buskers are limited to two hours each day for each Act.  Amps are not permitted.

You will be asked to move along by the police or our enforcement officers if you are in breach of this.