11 Plus

When to register for the Redbridge 11 Plus selection test 

11 Plus registration for Ilford County High School for Boys and Woodford County High School for Girls starting in September 2025 opened on 1 May 2024 and closed at 5pm on 15 June 2024

Where the tests are taken

Your child is required to sit the test at one of the Redbridge grammar schools.

Date of the 11 plus selection test

The entrance test will take place on Friday 20 September 2024.


The information provided is in relation to registrations received for the 11 plus and for those who sat the test for the Redbridge Grammar Schools for entry in September 2024.

The information provided is in relation to registrations received for the 11 plus and for those who sat the test for the Redbridge Grammar Schools for entry in September 2023.


There will be no parking facilities available at either school site, except for those who have displayed a disabled badge.

Please use public transport. There will be very restricted parking in the local area and there will be parking patrols enforcing these restrictions, ensuring that local residents around the schools are able to access their properties without hindrance. Please respect the privacy of local residents and do not trespass on their properties or throw litter in their gardens.


The supplier of the entrance test for Redbridge Grammar Schools is GL Assessment, which is the country's leading provider of 11+ tests for admissions purposes.

GL Assessment produces a familiarisation materials to inform parents and pupils about its 11+ assessments. A series of booklets include examples that illustrate the range of skills needed to complete the assessment and the way in which candidates will be required to respond to questions. The familiarisation materials can be assessed here: GL Assessment Free Familiarisation Materials - please be advised the information in this link is standard and applies to all schools using GL Assessment entrance tests. 11+ testing at Redbridge Grammar School will take the form of two test papers, one including English and verbal reasoning test content and the other incorporating mathematics and non-verbal reasoning.

In preparation for your 11+ admissions test, we would like to remind you of GL Assessment's 10 hours of free familiarisation materials, which you can share with your child to help them familiarise themselves with the general style and format of our 11+ tests, there are also practice papers on the GL website that you can purchase. NOTE: Since 11+ tests vary from one area to another, it's important to note that the free familiarisation materials are generic and may differ from your own test's exact specifications.  These differences may include the length of papers, the types of questions covered, and/or the level of difficulty.

The familiarisation materials provide:

  • Examples of multiple-choice questions
  • Sample questions across a range of question types
  • Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests, as students may not have encountered these questions before.


The pass mark has been reviewed following detailed analysis of the results for the 2023 test, following the change of supplier to GL Assessment. The pass mark of 104 will remain unchanged for entry into Secondary school in September 2024. The criteria will remain the same, all places will be offered in order of merit, based on the determined admissions criteria for the grammar schools. The criteria is as follows:

2.13 Priority will be as follows for all year groups:

  1. A 'looked after child' or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order, including those who appear to us to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
  2. Places will be offered to 45 (25%) children who are entitled to the pupil premium (eligibility checks will be carried out to ascertain those who were eligible for pupil premium, including Ever6, on the date the application was made), ranked according to the total standardised score in overall order of merit;
  3. other children living in the Common Catchment Area, ranked according to the total standardised score in overall order of merit;
  4. children living outside the Common Catchment Area, ranked according to the total standardised score in overall order of merit


  • We strongly advise parents who live outside of the common catchment area for the Redbridge Grammar Schools NOT to register their child to sit our test - no candidate, whatever the score they attain, who lives outside of the common catchment area has been offered a place at either of the Redbridge Grammar Schools. 
  • Check if you live within the common catchment area by following this link to Redbridge maps , please click on education11+ common catchment area and enter your post code and press go. This will show you where your address falls. The red line is Redbridge and the blue line is the whole of the common catchment area.
  • By registering your child for the Redbridge Grammar School test we will be unable to accommodate any non-attendance on the test date due to your child's participation in other entrance tests held on the same day. 
  • The vast majority of individual and groups of grammar schools set their tests in the first two or three weeks of September. There is no liaison between any of them with regard to the day that is selected. It is ultimately for parents to decide which schools they wish to name as a preference for their child, and this may require them making a decision about which grammar school tests their child sits, there is always the risk that there will be a clash between the date set by one individual grammar school or grammar school group.​


  • We are aware that each year there are concerns raised regarding the possibility of candidates telling their tutors the questions, in order for them to give those eligible to sit the late test an advantage.  Before the test begins, we ensure that all candidates are reminded not to discuss the tests with others, so that they do not reveal any of the questions. They are reminded that this may give an advantage to other children, reduce their own chances of being admitted to a grammar school and could result in them being disqualified from the test.
  • Parents are to be advised of the following: The 11 plus test is subject to copyright; its content must not be disclosed to any third-party including tutors/coaches. The test is for each candidate, who must concentrate on their own test performance.