Check your child's place on the school waiting list

Please call 020 8554 5000 for a waiting list position for Infant to Junior Transfer (Yr 2 - Yr 3 ONLY) - these schools are Churchfields Junior, Oakdale Junior and Parkhill Junior

Transfer to secondary school 2024

Applicants offered preferences 2 to 6 will automatically be added to the waiting lists at any remaining higher preference schools. Waiting lists for Redbridge community schools  will be available to view online from 29 March 2024. This also applies to unsuccessful applicants offered an alternative school place on 1 March 2024. Allocations continue throughout Spring and Summer as places become available through declines, applicants moving to other areas and subsequent offers being made.

Current in-year applicants

The online waiting list for the 2023/24 school year will be available from 1 September 2023.  Applications for the academic year 2023/24 opened on 1 August 2023, if you want your child to remain under consideration for a place at your preferred schools from September 2023. 

If you have applied for a Reception, Junior Transfer or Secondary Transfer school place starting in September 2024. Waiting lists will continue until 31 December 2024, at which point you should submit an in-year application for consideration for the remainder of the academic year.

If your child has been offered a school place low on your list of preferred schools, they will remain on the waiting lists for all higher preference schools you have chosen. 

If you have received an offer for a school place and you still wish to be considered for a school that you ranked lower on your list of schools, you will need to submit a new In year application form showing the new preference order of all your schools.

Rank the school higher than the school you have been offered and rank the school that you still wish to be considered for as a higher preference.  When a school place is offered, all schools listed lower than the one offered are automatically withdrawn. 

How school places are allocated

As places become available, they will be allocated from the waiting list according to a set of priority criteria that you can find at the end of this page.

If you can be offered a higher preference school, your lower preference offer will be withdrawn even if you have already accepted it and replaced with the higher preference automatically. We will not telephone you to offer you a choice of schools, but we will email you to let you know that there is now a place available.     

If you no longer wish to be considered for a higher preference school, you must email us at to tell the admissions team to remove your child from the waiting list.

Check your child's place on the waiting list

How to keep your child on a waiting list

Your child’s name is kept on the waiting list until the 31 August of each year for in-year applications. You must complete a new in-year application during the month of August in order to keep your child on the waiting list from 1 September of the new academic year.  

If you have applied for a place for your child to start Reception, Transfer to Junior School or Secondary Transfer, their name will be kept on the waiting list until the 31 December in that year only. You must complete a new in-year application in January in order to keep your child on the waiting list for the new academic year, beginning 1 September.

We do not coordinate in-year applications for the following schools, so if you want to make an in-year application for any of them you need to contact them directly. You can find their contact details on their websites: 

Priority criteria for community schools 

Priority cannot be given based on the date their application was received, or when their name was added to the waiting list.  The waiting list will be updated in accordance with the agreed over-subscription criteria each time a name is added or removed. This means that a child’s position on the waiting list may go up or down at any time. 

For in-year applications see Redbridge Admission Arrangements 2023-2024 (PDF 315 KB)