LGPS 2014 Terminology

Terminology we use

The new scheme that came into force on 1 April 2014, introduced new terminology. This
document explains the meaning of the new terminology, and  also some phrases that you
may have heard or read about in the previous scheme.

You will also find some ACRONYMS at the end of the glossary which you may find useful.

50/50 option / section

The ability for contributing members of the LGPS 2014 scheme to pay half their employee contribution rate in return for half accrual rate.

Information on the 50/50 section can be found on the page The 50/50 Section.

85 year rule

A provision in the LGPS 1997, the point at which a member’s age and scheme membership, both in whole years, when added together equals 85, and therefore benefits can be paid
unreduced, provided the member has attained age 60. This was withdrawn from the LGPS on 1 October 2006 and has now been phased out, but some members have protected service
under the transitional protection arrangements made in 2006.


This is an Administration Authority discretion and refers to the amount by which a member's pension may be reduced upon re-commencing an employment which is again eligible for
membership of the LGPS.


The proportion of Pensionable pay that each year of membership adds to your pension – effectively the speed at  which your pension builds up.

Active member

An employee who is currently paying pension contributions into the Pension Scheme.

Actuarial Reduction

The reduction applied to retirement benefits when taken early, other than on grounds such as ill health or redundancy. This is to offset any additional cost arising from the early payment.

The Actuarial Valuation Also called - The Valuation

A three yearly valuation of the Fund undertaken by the Actuary to ensure that the Pension Fund’s assets meet its liabilities. Employer contribution rates are set as part of the valuation
process, based on a series of agreed assumptions.


An independent qualified consultant who monitors and reviews the financial position of the fund and advises the Pensions Committee on the actuarial valuation of the scheme including
setting the Employers Contribution Rate.

Added Years Also known as Added Membership

Additional pension service that a member is purchasing by paying extra contributions to the fund. The option to take out new purchase of added years contracts ended on 31 March 2008,
however existing contracts in place at that time are able to continue until the end of the contract.

Additional Maternity or Adoption Leave

Leave under section 73 or 75B of the Employment Rights Act 1996(1).

Additional Paternity Leave

Leave under the Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010(2).

Additional Pension Contributions (APCs)

The contributions payable to purchase either additional or “lost” pension. Information on purchasing additional pension can be found on the factsheet Purchasing Additional or Lost Pension

Additional Pension Contributions (APCs) Contract

The arrangement to purchase the above 

Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs)

These are similar to APCs. The option to take out new ARCs contracts ended on 31 March 2014 however existing contracts in place at that time are able to continue to the end of the contract.

Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs) Contract

The arrangement to purchase the above

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)

Contributions made from pay, and invested with an AVC Provider to purchase retirement benefits to purchase top up either retirement benefits to supplement those payable from the LGPS. Contributions can also be paid to provide additional life cover. Information on purchasing additional pension can be found on the factsheet Topping Up your Pension Benefits

Admission Agreement

A legal agreement which covers the terms of admission that
applies to an Admitted Body.

Administering Authority:

The official name given to the role of L B Havering Pension Fund in terms of it’s responsibility for administering the Scheme. Technically, L B Havering Pension Fund is a part of Havering
Council and hence Havering Council is both the administering
authority as well as a Scheme Employer.

Admission Agreement

A legal agreement which covers the terms of admission that apply to an Admitted Body.

Admitted Bodies

Employers carrying out work similar in nature to a public service, or on behalf of the authority, who are eligible and choose to participate in the scheme under an Admission Agreement with the pension fund. This allows its employees to join or remain in the LGPS.

Annual Allowance

The maximum annual increase to the value of pension benefit rights before the member is subject to a tax charge.

Annual Allowance Tax Charge

The payment due to HMRC when the Annual Allowance is exceeded.

Annual Benefit Statements

A statement that provides an active, deferred or pension credit member with an estimate of the value of their pension benefits as at 31 March of each year.

Annual Pension (also called statutory pension, basic pension, yearly pension)

Calculated by reference to final pay and scheme membership (including any transferred in service) + any CARE benefits (since 1 April 2014), payable for life.

Approved Scheme

A scheme approved under Chapter 2 Part 4 of the Finance Act 2004.

Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP)

This provides a notional pensionable pay figure to ensure an active member’s pension is not affected by any reduction of pensionable pay due to a period of sickness, injury, relevant
child related leave or reserve forces service leave, and receiving reduced or NIL contractual pay. 

Information on pensionable pay can be found on the page Authorised Unpaid Leave, including Relevant Child Related Leave.

Augmentation costs

The costs imposed on employing authorities who choose to retire members of the scheme before their Normal Retirement Date and grant them additional periods of membership in compensation for their loss of office. Forms part of the total capital costs for early retirement.

Augmented Membership

Membership granted at the discretion of the employing authority under regulations 12 of the LGPS (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) Regulations 2007.
Replaced in the LGPS 2014 with Additional Pension.

Authorised Payment

Payments that a pension scheme is allowed to make. These payments will not be subject to a specific tax charge.

Automatic Enrolment date

The date that an employer automatically enrols an employee into an occupational pension provided they meet certain criteria and are not already a member of the scheme.

More information can be found on the page Automatic Enrolment.


A person who will receive a scheme benefit on the death of a member. 

Benefit Crystallisation Event

When any benefits are taken from the scheme. The value of the benefits released is then used to calculate the percentage of the individual's lifetime allowance. This determines whether the payment is “Authorised” or “Unauthorised” for tax purposes.

Benefits Agency

An independent body which administers the State Pension Scheme. See also Department for Work and Pensions.

Best Value

Government legislation making local authorities more accountable for their actions and expenditure, to ensure that the public are receiving good “value for money”.

Capital Costs

The costs imposed on employing authorities who retire members of the scheme before their normal retirement ages.

CARE scheme

A pension scheme based on a Career Average of Revalued Earnings.

Casual Employee

An employee who works no fixed hours but works as and when required. Scheme regulations do not define the term casual.

Certified Amount

The deduction made from a refund of contributions relating to the difference between the member's contracted out national insurance contributions paid and the contracted in  contributions that would have been paid had the member not been in the LGPS (see also CEP - Contribution Equivalent Premium).

CEP (Contributions Equivalent Premium)

The payment required to be made to the DWP when a scheme member leaves the pension scheme and receives a refund of contributions. It is made up of the Employees and Employers
required contribution to re-instate the employee back into Sate Second Pension (previously SERPS).

Certificate of Protection Of Pension Benefits Also called a Certificate of Reduced Remuneration

A certificate issued to a scheme member by an employing authority when the member, as a result of a decision by the employing authority, has to take a reduction in pensionable pay.
Certificates of protection were removed from the Scheme regulations on 1 April 2008 and replaced with an alternative option for scheme members. 

For more information, see the scheme guides for both the 1997 scheme and the 2008 scheme

Child(ren)'s Pension

Payable to an eligible child upon the death of a scheme member Information on eligibility for a child’s pension can be found on the page Survivors pension.

Civil partnership

A relationship between two people of the same gender which is formed when they register as civil partners with each other. Civil partner’s pension The pension payable to the civil partner of a scheme member who has died.

Club Scheme Also called Public Sector Transfer Club

A scheme within the public sector, or one outside of the public sector who is a member of the public sector Transfer Club. Club Transfer A transfer of Pension rights in accordance with the calculation method of Club schemes, The Pensions Team will provide you with further information on club transfers should this apply to you.

Cohabiting partner

A partner who at the time of a scheme members’ death meets certain criteria for the payment of a dependents pension. From 1 April 2014, it is no longer necessary to nominate a beneficiary by completing a form.

Information on eligibility for a co-habitees pension can be found in the page Survivors pension.

Compensatory Added years

Additional membership granted at the discretion of an employing authority to an employee made redundant or who retired on efficiency grounds. This option was removed, and
replaced by augmented membership in LGPS (Benefits, Membership and Contribution) Regulations 2007, which in turn was removed and replaced with additional Pension in LGPS

Compounded Pension

Also called a commuted pension When a member's small pension paid as a taxable one off capital value which then extinguishes any further benefits in the scheme.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

A measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services. Contracted Out A scheme which is contracted out of the State Second Pension
(S2P) (formerly State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS) meaning Scheme members and employers pay reduced National Insurance contributions and the scheme is responsible
for broadly providing the benefits that would have been provided by the S2P, The government is planning to close the S2P state pension scheme on 6 April 2016 and replace it with a single tier state pension scheme.

Information on the new incoming single tier state pension can be found on the DWP website www.gov.uk


The payments made by an active member into the LGPS the amount being a % of their pensionable pay, with the level being dependent on the member’s annual pensionable pay.

Contributory Scheme

A scheme (such as the LGPS) that requires its members to make contributions from their pay. 

Contractual enrolment

Enrolment into an occupational or workplace pension scheme as part of the contract of employment. 

Conversion of Benefits

The term used when a retiring member elects to convert part of a pension into a (or additional) tax free lump sum retirement grant.
Death Grant A tax free lump sum payment made where a member

  • dies in service, or
  • with a deferred benefit that has yet to come into payment, or
  • shortly after retiring,

Information on Death Grants can be found in the brief and full guides to the LGPS

Deferred Benefits Also referred to as “preserved benefits” 

The pension benefits held in the scheme on behalf of a member who has ceased to contribute as a result of leaving employment, result of leaving employment, or opting out of the pension scheme before retirement age and before taking payment of their benefits.

Deferred Members

An employee or former employee who at some point was paying into the pension scheme and are not yet in receipt of their pension, and did not receive a refund of contributions or
transferred their pension rights after leaving the scheme. These members will have a “deferred benefit”.

Deferred Pensioner member

A former employee who was granted a tier 3 ill health pension that is no longer in payment, and is not yet eligible to take their retirement pension.

Defined Benefit scheme

A type of pension scheme that is tied to their earnings while they are a member of the scheme. 

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) (Previously the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister)

The DCLG is the Civil Service Department whose work includes writing the regulations of the LGPS in conjunction with other agencies and the unions, prior to the regulations being laid before Parliament.

Designating Body

Designating bodies can “designate” employees for access to the scheme.


This is the power given by the LGPS to employers and the pension fund administrator (PFA) to choose how they will apply certain provisions of the pension scheme. In accordance with the scheme regulations, they are both obliged to consider how to exercise their discretion and, in respect of some (but not all) of these discretionary provisions, to have a written policy on how they will apply their discretion. They both have a responsibility to act with “prudence and propriety” in formulating their policies. 

These policies can be found on the pension website www.yourpension.org.uk/handr under the Fund Employers tab.


Department of Work and Pensions – website www.gov.uk

Early Retirement

When retirement occurs before the member has attained their normal retirement age, other than through ill Health, redundancy or Interests of efficiency.


The term used for the part of a divorcing member's benefits which is earmarked for his or her former spouse upon completion of the divorce in accordance with a Court Order (see also Pension Credit and Pension Debit).

Eligible Child / children

These are children who meet the criteria for payment of a child’s pension in the event of your death.

Information on eligibility for a child’s pension can be found on the page Survivors pension

Eligible Employees

Information concerning the eligibility of new employees can be found in the scheme guides, held on the website https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/pensions/

Employer Discretions

- See the definition for Discretions

Enhanced Protection

Protection introduced in 2006 by HMRC which has now been superseded. See leaflets LGPS High Earners – Pension and Taxation
Changes, and High earners Leaflet

Expression of Wish

Form A form completed by a member indicating who they would like to be considered to receive all or part of any death grant that becomes payable. It is recommended that members complete one of these forms which can be found on the website under Member Forms. 

Final pensionable pay, also called: Final Pay, Final Salary

The pay figure used in the calculation of pension benefits, usually the last 365 days of scheme membership, but there are certain exceptions to this.

Further information on Final Pay can be found in the brief and full guides to the LGPS.

Final Salary Scheme

A defined benefit pension scheme that provides retirement benefits calculated using final pay and scheme membership length.

Flexible retirement

Where an active member reduces their weekly hours or grade with the employers permission in accordance with the employers “flexible retirement Policy” and is therefore able to access some or all of their pension benefits built up, up to the date of the flexible retirement.

Gainful Employment

Paid employment for not less than 30 hours each week for a period of not less than 12 months. This definition is used in ill health/capacity dismissals in order to determine which ill health tier would apply.

Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMP)

The amount of pension the LGPS guarantees to pay a scheme pensioner had they not been contracted out of SERPS up to 5 April 1997. Increases on GMPs are paid from different sources
and information on this is given at the time of retirement.


Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (formerly the Inland Revenue).

Ill Health Retirement

Retirement granted where a scheme member is permanently incapable of carrying out their job due to physical or mental incapacity.

Information on Ill Heath Retirement can be found in the brief and full guides to the LGPS

Independent Registered Medical Practitioner (IRMP)

One who is registered with the General Medical Council and

  • holds a diploma in occupational health medicine (D Occ
    Med) or an equivalent qualification issued by a competent
    authority in an EEA state; and for the purposes of this
    definition, "competent authority" have the meaning given
    by section 55(1) of the Medical Act 1983(10); or
  • is an Associate, a Member or a Fellow of the Faculty of
    Occupational Medicine or an equivalent institution of an
    EEA state.

Individual Adjustment

An adjustment made to the employer contribution rate which reflects the individual circumstances and membership profile of each employing authority.

Interests of Efficiency

Where retirement occurs as a result of the member ceasing employment due to efficiency of the service grounds and is entitled to the immediate payment of his retirement benefits
accrued to the date of leaving unreduced. Currently this is age 55 or over.

Interfund Adjustment

A transfer of pension rights of a scheme member who has left one local government employment to take up new employment with a different Local Government Authority 

Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure (IDRP)

A complaints procedure governed by regulation providing any current or former scheme member or beneficiary with the opportunity to settle any dispute or complaint they may have in respect of any decision made regarding their entitlements under scheme rules.

Late retirement

Where retirement takes place after the normal retirement age as set down in the scheme regulations.


The Local Government Pension Scheme

LGPS 1997

The Local Government Pension Scheme in operation prior to 1 April 2008

LGPS 2008

The Local Government Pension Scheme in operation from 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2014

LGPS 2014

The Local Government Pension Scheme introduced on 1 April 2014

Lifetime Allowance Charge

The tax payable on the value of any benefits in excess of the lifetime allowance. See pages LGPS High Earners – Pension and Taxation Changes, and High earners

Lifetime Allowance Enhancement Factor

The factor an individual opting for protection will be able to apply for to create their own personal lifetime allowance. All benefits will then be tested against this enhanced figure. See LGPS High Earners – Pension and Taxation Changes, and High earners

Local Pensions Board

The Board established to assist the Administering Authority also known as the scheme Manager of the Fund, securing compliance with the regulations, and to ensure effective governance and administration of the LGPS.

Lower Earnings Limit

The amount of pay that you can receive before you pay any National Insurance contributions.

Lump Sum Retirement Grant (LSRG)

A Tax free lump sum paid at retirement. For members with membership prior to 1 April 2008, a LSRG is automatically payable for all pre 2008 membership. For post 2008 membership, pension can be converted to a LSRG subject to HMRC limits. 

Membership certificate

A statement sent to scheme members showing the information about their pension record held by the fund. 


A reduction made to the LGPS pension from state retirement age for members with membership prior to 1 April 1980 and who ceased being active members before 1 April 1998.

Money Purchase Scheme

A scheme that uses the contributions paid by the member (and the employer if any) to calculate the benefits payable rather than the member's final pay and membership.

National Insurance Contracted Out Earnings

The proportion of earnings on which contracted out national insurance contributions have been deducted.

Nomination Of Beneficiary

see Cohabiting partner.

Non-Contributory Scheme

A scheme that does not require its members to make any contribution from their pay towards the provision of benefits.

Normal Pensions Age (NPA) also known as Normal Retirement age

The age at which the scheme will pay out benefits without actuarial reduction or enhancement as a right under scheme regulations.

Occupational Pension scheme Also called Workplace Pensions 

A pension scheme set up by an employer to provide pension benefits for its employees and their dependents.

Opting Out

The election a scheme member makes to stop contributing to the Scheme whilst remaining employed. All such members must complete an Opt Out form, available from the website 

Pension Credit

The term used for a benefit granted to an ex-spouse (or civil partner) of a scheme member following a Pension Sharing Order
issued by a Court as part of a divorce settlement.

Pension Debit

The term used when a scheme member’s benefits are reduced to provide a pension to an ex-spouse (or civil partner) following a
Pension Sharing Order issued by a Court as part of a divorce settlement.

Pension Sharing

The splitting of a scheme members benefits upon divorce.

Pensionable Pay

The pay on which the scheme member pays contributions. From 1 April 2014 it includes non-contractual (as well as contractual) overtime and any additional hours worked in excess of your contractual hours.

Pensionable Service Also called Total membership

The period of time a scheme member pays into the LGPS, whilst working in Local Government, or as an employee of an admitted body within the pension scheme. For a part time member, this is not the same as the calendar length of membership. More information on this can be found in the brief and full guides to the LGPS

Pensions Account

An account in which pension a scheme member’s pension, bought each year from 1 April 2014 is held. A separate account is held for each employment if a member has more than 1.
As well as active members pension accounts, there are also :

  • A deferred member’s pension account
  • A deferred refund account
  • A retirement pension account
  • A flexible retirement pension account
  • A pension credit account
  • A survivor members account

These accounts will be adjusted by any transfers in that occur, or any Pension Sharing Orders, following divorce or dissolution of a Civil Partnership

Pensions Increase Review Orders (PI)

This is an increase applied annually (each April) to all pensions in payment. The amount of increase is in accordance with orders issued by H M Treasury (currently CPI) PI is also applied to any deferred pensions and also to each scheme member’s pension account.

Pension Input Amount

The total value of contributions paid during the pension input period.

Pension Input Period

A period of 12 months during which contributions are paid (1 April to 31 March).

Policy Statement

A statement produced and issued by employers and administering authorities setting out how they intend to consider certain discretions available to them under the LGPS.

Primary Protection

The protection that was introduced in 2006, which has now been superseded. See  LGPS High Earners – Pension and Taxation Changes, and High earners

Public Service Pension Scheme

Public sector pension schemes, including those for Civil Servants, The Judiciary, The Armed Forces, Local Government workers, Teachers, Health Workers, Police and Fire Fighters

Qualified Occupational Medical Practitioner

A practitioner suitably qualified in occupational health medicine, chosen by the employing authority and approved by the administering authority to deal with ill health retirement cases – see IRMP

Rate of Pension build up

This is the rate at which the pension grows each year Prior to 1 April 2008, the rate was 1/80 per year and part thereof of scheme membership X the final pensionable pay.

From 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2014, the rate was 1/60 per year and part thereof of scheme membership X the final pensionable pay. From 1 April 2014 the rate at which pension grows is 1/49 of the amount of pensionable pay received in that scheme year (or, if the member had had been on reduced pay due to sickness or relevant child related leave, the pay they would have received had they not been on reduced pay). The amount of pension built up is added to the members active pension account at the end of each scheme year.

For any period in the 50/50 section the pension build up is half of that built up in the main section.

Extra amounts can be added to the Pension Account by purchasing additional pension, or with a transfer of pension from another pension scheme.

Rates And Adjustment Certificate

A certificate issued by the Actuary following a valuation of the Fund which sets out the employer contribution rates payable by each of the associated scheme bodies.

Redundancy Retirement

Where a member is made redundant and is entitled to the immediate payment of his retirement benefits accrued to the date of leaving unreduced. Currently this is age 55 or over.


For the purpose of the LGPS regulations this means reemployment with another Local Authority or body in which eligibility for LGPS membership exists.

Registered Scheme

A scheme approved by HM Revenue & Customs under the Finance Act 2004. The LGPS is a Registered Public Scheme under Chapter 2, Part 4 of that Act.

Relevant Child Related leave

Periods of Ordinary Maternity, Adoption or Paternity leave, (normally the first 26 weeks) any periods of paid Additional Maternity, Adoption or Paternity Leave (normally after week 26,
up to week 39)

Reserve Forces Leave

When a Reservist is mobilised and called upon to take part in military operations. The period of mobilisation can range from less than 3 months, up to a maximum of 12 months.

Retail Prices Index (RPI)

The measure that was used prior to April 2011 for increases to pensions in payment and deferment (Pensions Increase). It is still used for any ARC contracts that were set up prior to 1 April 2011

Scheduled Bodies

These are bodies listed in Schedule 2, Part 1 of the LGPS Regulations 2013.

Scheme Employer

The collective name of Resolution Bodies and Scheduled Bodies. Admitted Bodies are also generally treated as Scheme Employers for the purposes of the Regulations.

Scheme Manager

The administering Authority for the fund.

Scheme Member (sometimes just referred to as “Members”).

The collective name for Active, Deferred, Dependent, Pension Credit, Deferred Pensioner & Pensioner Members

Scheme Pays

An Annual Allowance charge where the scheme makes payment to HMRC on the member’s behalf, and the benefits payable are reduced accordingly. See LGPS High Earners – Pension and Taxation Changes, and High earners

Scheme Year

The scheme year runs from 1 April to 31 March

Shared cost Additional Voluntary Contributions (SCAVC)

An AVC provision in which the costs are shared between the Employer and scheme member.

Shared Cost Additional Pension Contributions (SCAPC)

A provision in which the costs to purchase additional pension are shared between the Employer and scheme member.

Spouse’s pension

The pension payable to the spouse of a scheme member who has died.

Standard Lifetime Allowance

The total capital value of pension benefits an individual can build up before a lifetime allowance charge is applied.

State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS)

A top up to the basic State Pension for individuals who have been members of not-contracted-out pension schemes and therefore paid A rate National Insurance contributions.

State Pension Age Also known as State Retirement age 

The age at which, based on a person’s date of birth, their state pension becomes payable To check your state pension age, see the fact sheet State Pension Age Timetable and also the calculator on the DWP website www.gov.uk

State Second Pension (S2P)

S2P is the top-up to the basic State Pension. Members of the LGPS automatically currently contract-out of S2P for the duration of their LGPS membership. S2P replaced SERPS - see State
Earnings Related Pension Scheme.

Statutory Scheme

A scheme, such as the LGPS, established by Acts of Parliament.

Tax relief

Pension contributions are deducted from scheme member’s earnings before tax is calculated. This is known as pension tax relief. Transfer Value the actuarial value of :

  1. a member's benefits paid to an alternative pension scheme on leaving the LGPS as an alternative to deferred benefits or a refund of contributions; OR
  2. a member's benefits paid by a previous employer into the LGPS upon joining the scheme.

Treasury Orders

The increase orders that are issued by H M Treasury 

Treasury Revaluation Orders

The increase applied each year to the pension account of an active scheme member in a CARE scheme.

Trivial Commutation Lump Sum

A one off lump sum payment of the capital value of a member’s benefits subject to certain conditions. Information on Trivial Commutation can be found on Taking Your Pension

Unauthorised Payment

A payment that will attract a tax charge to the member and may also give rise to an unauthorised payment surcharge to the scheme. Underpin The ‘underpin’ is a provision brought in from April 2014 to protect active members:

  • Born before April 1957;
  • Who were a member of the Scheme on 1 April 2012; and
  • Who do not have gap of more than 5 years’ service (applying after April 2012)

The protection means that the administering authority needs to calculate post April 2014 service using the old final salary methodology and also the CARE methodology and then award the member whatever calculation produces higher pension benefits 

Upper Accruals Point (UAP)

This is the amount of pay beyond which an employee ceases to pay the lower, contracted-out rate of National Insurance contributions. On earnings above the UAP, and up to the Upper Earnings Limit, they will pay the full National Insurance contribution.

Upper Earnings Limit

This is the amount of pay beyond which an employee pays 2% National Insurance contribution only.

Variable-time Employee

An employee whose pay is calculated by reference to duties rather than the number of hours worked OR an employee whose duties are only performed on an occasional or ad hoc basis.

Vesting Period

The period required in order for a member to qualify for certain benefits. Further information on this can be found in the brief and full guides to the LGPS

Workplace pensions Also called Occupational Pension Schemes

A pension scheme set up by an employer to provide pension benefits for its employees and their dependents.


AAC Annual Allowance Charge

ACT Advance Corporation Tax

AVC Additional Voluntary Contribution

ARCs Additional Regular Contribution

BCE Benefit Crystallisation Event

CA Certified Amount

CARE Career Average Revalued earnings

CAY Compensatory Added Years

CEP Contributions Equivalent Premium

CETV Cash Equivalent Transfer Value

CLG Communities and Local Government

COD Contracted Out Deduction

COEG Contracted-Out Employments Group

COMBS Contracted-Out Mixed Benefit Scheme

COMPS Contracted-Out Money Purchase Scheme

CPI Consumer Prices Index

COSRS Contracted-Out Salary Related Scheme

DB Defined Benefit scheme

DC Defined Contribution Scheme

DWP Department of Work & Pensions

ECON Employers Contracting-Out Number. This is E3900002R for both the Havering and Redbridge Pension Funds

FOIA Freedom of Information Act

FSAVC Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contribution

FURBS Funded Unapproved Retirement Benefits Scheme

GAD Government Actuary's Department

GMP Guaranteed Minimum Pension

HMRC Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs

IDRP Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure

IFA Inter-fund Adjustment OR Independent Financial Advisor

ILA Individual Lifetime Allowance

LAC Lifetime Allowance Charge

LAEF lifetime Allowance Enhancement Factor

LGA Local Government Association

LGE Local Government Employers

LGPC Local Government Pensions Committee

LGPS Local Government Pension Scheme

NAPF National Association of Pension Funds

NRA Normal Retirement Age

NRD Normal Retirement Date

PI Pensions Increase

PIA Pension Input Amount

PIP Pension Input Period

S2P State Second Pension

SCAVC Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme

SCON Scheme Contracting-Out Number. This is S2700125D for Redbridge Pension Fund

SERPS State Earnings Related Pension Scheme

SIP Statement of Investment Principles

SLA Standard Lifetime Allowance

SPA State Pension Age

TPAS The Pensions Advisory Service (formerly OPAS)

TPR The Pensions Regulator

TV Transfer Value