Traffic management orders
A Traffic Management Order (TMO) is a legal order, usually made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. It enables the Council, as the highway authority, to manage parking and traffic in the borough. TMO’s can be permanent, experimental, temporary or special event orders for traffic management during an event.
Some examples of what a TMO can cover include:
- Waiting restrictions (yellow lines)
- Stopping prohibitions, such as taxi bays and red routes
- Loading prohibitions
- On-street parking places, such as pay by phone bays, shared use bays, permit holder bays - which can be for residents and/or businesses, electric vehicle bays, car club bays, doctor bays and disabled bays for Blue Badge holders.
- Loading bays
- Off-street parking places (car parks)
- Moving traffic restrictions such as one way, no entry, weight limits and more.
Proposed changes
When we want to make a permanent change on the highway, we advertise the proposed change in a local newspaper and invite any objections or representations for at least 21 days. Anyone can respond to us about the proposal. Sometimes we also put street notices near the location of the proposed change and write to local properties. We will always consult with the emergency services and transport associations. Only after full consideration of any objections or representations will a final decision be made on whether to proceed with the proposed change.
All on-street parking controls in the borough can be viewed online
The map displays the different types of restrictions that already operate on-street, together with their days & times of operation where applicable. Clicking on the restriction will bring up more options such a copy of the TMO, map schedule and legend (a key to help you find what the different line markings mean.
View our Traffic Management Orders