Healthy eating

A healthy balanced diet can significantly improve your health and help reduce the risk of many of illnesses and long term conditions.  

A wide range of healthy eating advice and support on maintaining a balanced diet, healthy swaps and reducing less healthy foods can be found on the NHS Better Health website.

The Eatwell Plate highlights the different types of food that make up our diet and shows the proportions we should eat them in to have a healthy, balanced diet.  

It's a good idea to try to get this balance right every day, but you don't need to do it at every meal. You might find it easier to get the balance right over a longer period, like a week. Try to choose options that are lower in salt when you can. 

Eating healthily is about eating the right amount of food for your energy needs. In England, most adults are either overweight or obese. This means many of us are eating more than we need and should eat and drink fewer calories to lose weight. 


Healthy eating support  

The Healthy Eating Team provides support in Redbridge for parents/carers who have children under the age of 19 and reside in Redbridge or attend a school in Redbridge. 

The service offers information and support to families in relation to healthy eating and leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Staff provide advice on infant feeding and healthy lifestyles, covering nutrition, fussy eating and weight management. 

To find out more please contact the 0-19 Universal Children’s Services, Redbridge on 0300 300 1579. 


Adult weight management  

Tier 2 weight management programme 

Vision offers a 12 session weight management course, consisting of virtual meetings, group meetings and one to one appointments. This is in conjunction with regular gym sessions.  

A nutritionist hosts regular meetings discussing an array of topics including, good food swaps, food triggers and emotional eating. 

Face to face meetings for individuals and groups provide weekly weigh ins to keep a record of your progress. 

Weight management services will be offered to all patients who exceed a BMI of 30 and can be offered to patients who have prediabetes or other health conditions. 

You can learn about BMI and check whether you are a healthy weight by using the BMI calculator  

Residents can be referred by their GP or health professional.