
Adventurous activities

Experience a different side of Redbridge with these action-packed activities that will give you an adrenaline rush.

Want to try something a bit different? Well we have lots of adventurous and unusual activities you may have never thought of doing before.

You’ll never know whether something’s for you unless you give it a go! 

Fairlop Skyrun 

Visit Fairlop Skyrun to battle an assortment of obstacles from swinging rope bridges to walking the floating plank.  

There are 44 elements to traverse over two levels of the high ropes course, as well as a 15-metre-high outdoor climbing wall. 

Fairlop Skyrun is an adventure for all the family and requires no experience. There are high rope courses for all levels and ages. Children must be above the age of eight to participate.

Visitors will receive a safety briefing when they first arrive, including safety harnesses and equipment training. 

You can book and find more information on the Fairlop Skyrun website. 

Oakfield Archers 

Oakfield Archers is located in Gants Hill. The club was founded in 1962 and caters for archers of all ages and abilities and bow types such as Recurve, Compound and Longbow. 

Visit the Oakfield Archers website


Orienteering is a great sport for runners, joggers and walkers who want to improve their navigation skills or for anyone who loves the outdoors.

Use the maps to navigate the course at your own pace.  Maps cost £1 and are available at the following locations: