Latest update for Hainault

Hainault Enforcement Hub

We want communities to visit our new Hainault Enforcement Hub and let us know about any issues in your area and how we can work with the Police to tackle them.

Not everyone has access to digital channels to report or discuss issues worrying them, so feel free to visit our Enforcement Hub in Manford Way, by Hainault Library where you can sit and have a chat about the things you are concerned about or just pop in to say hello.

We have had excellent feedback on the Ilford, York Road Enforcement Hub from the community in the area, who now feel much happier about the level of engagement with public services.

The purpose of all our Enforcement Hubs will be to support residents experiencing various crime and disorder hotspot areas across Redbridge, we want to increase engagement, intelligence, reporting and confidence in public services from local residents.


Opening times

View opening times for enforcement hubs and library pop ups