Animal licence fees

Fees due for animal activity licences

Fees valid from 1 April 2024

Licence type Annual fee *
Pet shops - new licence application £367
Pet shops - renewal and/or variation £278
Horse riding establishments - new licence £512
Horse riding establishments - renewal £196
Animal boarding - new licence application £324
Animal boarding - renewal £311
Dog breeding - new application £338
Dog breeding - renewal £338
Performing animals registration or certificate - new application £338
Performing animals registration or certificate -renewal £338
Dangerous Wild Animals - new licence application £338
Dangerous Wild Animals - renewal £338
Zoo licence - new application £540
Zoo licence -  renewal and/or variation £218
Duplicate licence £27.25

Vet site inspection costs are charge to the applicant or licensee in addition to the fees shown, where applicable.

* the annual fee is due at the grant of licence (before the licence is issued) and every year after that the licence is in existence