Eastern & Woodford Avenue Collections

Eastern Avenue & Woodford Avenue Waste Collection

On the 29th December 2023 there was an incident on the Eastern Avenue involving one of our refuse crews/vehicles.

Luckily, they escaped unharmed thanks to some quick thinking (and quick moving).

This has meant that we have had to urgently assess how the waste is collected along Eastern Avenue, and this meant we had to pause collections while we found a solution. So that meant your waste was not being collected, and was accumulating.

All collections for this road have moved to a Monday to ensure the IPV is used one day a week and not used over multiple days, to ensure the crews are safe while collecting but also with as little disruption to the traffic as possible.

Therefore, if you are currently getting your waste collected on a Thursday, it will now move to a Monday collection, beginning 22nd January 2024.

If you are currently receiving a collection on a Monday, then there is no change.

PLEASE NOTE THAT DOMESTIC AND RECYCLING IS CURRENTLY BEING COLLECTED TOGETHER IN ONE VEHICLE FOR OPERATIONAL ISSUES. All waste is separated at Jenkins Lane, so don't worry about your waste not being recycled.

Information on how waste is processed at Jenkins Lane can be found here


Missed Collections: 

As we can only service this road one day a week, we cannot return for any reports of missed collections. However, if your waste has not been collected, please just leave it out for the following week (next to your bin) and our contractor will take any accumulated waste..

Please ensure your waste is presented at the boundary of your property.

Garden Waste Collections

Please present your garden waste on the same as your refuse collection, along side it and our crews will take it. Unfortunately we cannot provide a separate collection for safety reasons and it will be collected with your domestic waste and separated at the reuse and recycling centre.