Sale of Commercial Waste Collection Service

The London Borough of Redbridge (the Council) is seeking to sell its
Commercial Waste Collection Service. The sale will include the
transfer of customer contracts, containers and goodwill currently in
place and delivering the service throughout the Council’s area.

The service is currently delivered to over 1,600 customers ranging
from Council departments to local businesses in, but not limited to
the major centres of population within the Borough, such as Ilford,
Seven Kings, Hainault, Woodford and Wanstead.

The Council anticipate for the sale to be completed by end of April
2024, with the transfer of the business to take place in June 2024.

Interested parties are requested to contact Amy Harris, as detailed
below to register their interest and provide a short profile of
themselves to include abbreviated financial accounts and an outline
of the waste management services, they provide, sufficient to enable
the expression of interest to be considered. All successful parties will
receive the Sales Document Pack.

Amy Harris
Head of Neighbourhoods and Street Scene
The closing date for receipt of Expressions of Interest is the 11 March