Full Council meeting

Watch live meeting

Full Council on Thursday 19 September at 7.15 pm


Attend a meeting

You can attend a meeting by submitting questions and deputations or a petition for debate.

Meeting details

You can attend all public Council meetings. The Link to the live meeting can be found on the front of the published agenda. Select the meeting date to view the agenda and access the public link. If you would like to speak at a meeting the details are detailed below.

View the calendar for all upcoming meetings.

Questions and deputations

Written notice of the question you would like to ask must be given to the Assistant Director - Assurance by 12 noon on the third working day before the meeting date. This is normally 12 noon on the Monday before a Thursday meeting.

Deputations of up to 7 Redbridge residents or business ratepayers or their employees may be received at any ordinary or budget meeting. Written notice of a deputation must be given at least 7 clear working days before the meeting. This is normally by Monday of the week before a Thursday meeting.

Give written notice

To give written notice of a question or deputation please email us.

Petition for debate

You can present a petition for debate which has a minimum of 1500 signatures to Full Council Meetings. 

More information


View past Full Council Meetings