Cabinet audio 12 June 2018

Tuesday 12 June 2018


Agenda  Order  Time
Agenda item 1  Apologies for absence  00:53
Agenda item 2  Declaration of Interest  00:59
Agenda item 3  Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 8 March 2018  01:17
Agenda item 4  Public Participation: Statements, Questions, Deputations and Petitions 01:30
Agenda item 5  References and Comments from Committees  10:48
Agenda item 6  Forward Plan  11:17
Agenda item 7  Governance Arrangements - Exercise of Strong Leader Powers  11:25
Agenda item 8  Final Outturn Report 12:00
Agenda item 9  Procurement of Corporate Insurance Policy  16:36
Agenda item 10  Reducing Agency Spend  16:56
Agenda item 11  Redbridge Council's engagement on the formation of a Regional Adoption Agency (RAA)  20:46
Agenda item 12  Review of Commissioning Arrangements for Children's Social Care  22:37
Agenda item 13  Local Offer - Funding of Higher Education for Care Leavers  25:00
Agenda item 14  Extension of Partnership Agreement with Barnardo Services Limited for the Leaving Care Service  26:55
Agenda item 15  Rough Sleeping Protocol  28:33
Agenda item 16   Outcome Report and Recommendations of the Cashless Parking Payments Corporate Panel  46:24
Agenda item 17   Revised London Councils Transport and Environment Committee Delegation - Go Ultra Low City Scheme (GULCS)  47:03
Agenda item 18    Property Capital Maintenance Programme 2018/19  47:49
Agenda item 19   Any Other Items which the Chair Decides for the Reasons Stated are Urgent 49:23
Agenda item 20   Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 17 July 49:28