Electric vehicles

Benefits of owning an electric vehicle

If you are a Redbridge resident and you own a pure electric vehicle (EV) then you gain the following benefits:

  • Free parking if you live/work in a controlled parking zone if applicants can prove the vehicle is fully electric
  • In all Redbridge Council car parks except CP15 (Lynton House)


On-street Pay and Display bays are not free and the driver must obtain a valid session either from a nearby machine (where applicable) or via RingGo.

Some of these exemptions are time-limited. If you drive a hybrid electric vehicle you will need to check if you are still eligible for the above exemptions.


Charging my electric vehicle on-street

You can see where existing public charging points are located in Redbridge and across the country.

The Council are installing numerous charge points across the borough and you can read the Council's frequently asked questions document here [pdf 120kb].

South Woodford Community Electric Vehicle Charging Hub

Part of the Mulberry Way car park has been converted to the South Woodford Community Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Hub.

There will be 12 electric vehicle charging bays and charge points with varying charging capacities from 7kW to 22kW.

A small number of car park bays will remain to cater for the low level of demand for parking in this car park. However, passive provision has been made to enable them to be converted into electric vehicle charging bays at some point in the future as demand for EV charging increases.

To ensure that the bays remain available for residents and visitors to use and are not blocked by vehicles with internal combustion engines or EVs that have overstayed, the bays will be protected by a Traffic Management Order (TMO) and will be enforceable.


Request an on-street EVCP

If you are a resident or business in Redbridge that owns an electric vehicle or you’re thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid you can suggest a location and request the installation of an on-street electric vehicle charge point near to where you live or work.

You can suggest a charge point location on the internet by visiting char.gy or charge my street.

Alternatively, you can suggest a location for a charge point by emailing evcp@redbridge.gov.uk. We will register your interest to help us determine local demand for new charge points.


Charging my electric vehicle at home

If you have off-street parking and would like to install a home charge point you may be eligible for a grant from the Office of Low Emissions Vehicles (OLEV) to help cover some of the costs.

Find out more about the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme

A person who for any purpose places any rope, wire or other apparatus across a highway in such a manner as to be likely to cause danger to persons using the highway is, unless they prove that they had taken all necessary means to give adequate warning of the danger, guilty of an offence and liable to a fine.

If a passer-by injures themselves due to your cable, you can be held responsible. Furthermore, a cable across the ground can limit accessibility of the footway and can impact negatively on people with disabilities. If you do not have off-street parking, you should not trail your cable across the pavement, including the use of pavement drainage channels or a cable protector.



Should you have any further all-electric vehicle or electric vehicle charge point questions please email evcp@redbridge.gov.uk.